By Roger HB Davies
When I phone anyone these days, I have a short message ready to leave on voice-mail. I assume I won’t reach the caller.
Be equally prepared and keep your message short. I leave my name, the reason for calling, and my own phone number, which I usually repeat. I speak at a medium pace, without rushing.
I always know when a sales person has called me because they talk too fast, and they mention their phone number only once.
Top Tips for Leaving a Phone Message
- Rehearse what you will say.
- Avoid talking too quickly or too slowly.
- Enunciate your words clearly.
- Avoid leaving a vague, cryptic message; for example: “It’s Mary. Call me.”
- Avoid leaving a long, chatty message as though you were chatting with the person; get to the point.
- Ensure you include critical information: Who you are. Who you represent. Why you’re calling. Any action expected, and from whom.
- Leave your phone number. Always. Even if they are your best friend. Don’t assume they have immediate access to your phone number. Or will remember it without a note.
- Repeat your phone number.