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Facilitating Learning

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Learning Outcomes & Key Benefits

Deliver interactive learning, polished presentations and effective question and answer sessions

Appeal to your learners with effective communication, design and delivery

Address specific audience needs by incorporating adult learning and communication principles

Manage interruptions, objections and challenging participants with confidence

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Learn more about this workshop

Workshop Delivery Options

Available in the following languages: English

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Bring our expert facilitators to your organization to deliver our world-class content for your team

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Communication-skills coaching with one of our experts to address specific goals and challenges

Training tailored exclusively for your team

Every workshop involves degrees of customization to consider your real-work challenges and specific training goals.

Content, as well as activities within the program, can be adjusted. Corporate-specific examples can be used for practice drills, and aspects of the program may be emphasized to suit the assessed needs.

In-house workshops can train groups as small as 8 or as large as 24, depending on your region. Contact us to discuss how we can make our training work for you. ­

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Professional Credits

Earn professional development units! Our workshops are eligible for PDUs across most associations.

Contact Us to Learn More!